Side Note #2; Points taken from the self-help book, “This is How” by Augusten Burroughs


ImageSo, I read this book last year while I was coping with some rather serious issues, and it almost entirely (single-handedly) wrought me from them. I was cleaning out my closet yesterday and I found a list of points that I made that I had taken from the book as the most helpful and crucial examples, and I thought these would be good to share with you all here, so I’m just going to dive right into that.

First, two quotes he included in his book;

“To see what is in front of one’s face requires a constant struggle.” – George Orwell

“All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.” – Galileo Galilei

Now, to business. (note that these are bullets I made about points he made. they are not direct quotes in their entirety.)

  • Sometimes, you just feel bad. Feeling bad doesn’t mandate that you feel good, or get over it immediately.
  • You only ever have to feel better than the moment. When something saddens you, you needn’t change your life to accommodate it.
  • Figure out how you feel first. Don’t take action until you know the situation.
  • Don’t lie to yourself; affirmations are dishonest. When has it ever helped you to lie to yourself? When you feel upset, how much does it help to hear yourself say “I am not upset, I am a happy person, I am strong and yadda yadda yadda?” The point that he makes is that you’re supposed to be your own last line of defense; you are supposed to be the one person you can trust. Don’t lie to yourself.
  • Hearing true words can help.They don’t have to be positive ones. The example he used is a person noticing another person’s depression and saying to them “Hey, I’ve been there. I don’t really have a point, I just wanted to let you know that.”
  • Truth = accuracy, not “belief
  • The feeling of being optimistic relies solely on your feeling in control of your life. You cannot let your past be in control.
  • analyze exactly why it is that you feel the way that you do, and about what.
  • Feelings are something you have, they are not something that you are.
  • Negative feelings need release. They don’t just go away on their own. Cry when you are sad, let it out when you are angry. Sadness can become depression, anger can become resentment. Find healthy and safe ways to release these feelings.
  • Life has no itinerary. People seem to believe that they are owed things, like a dream career and a perfect family and a house on a hill. Don’t have unrealistic expectations, and certainly don’t base your happiness around them.
  • Try getting out more. Go further than you usually would. It’s unrealistic to expect to meet someone who shares your daily routine.
  • Never ever ever try to impress someone by being someone who you are not.
  • If you want to meet your soul mate, you must first expose your soul. You must express your self, your opinions, your interests. You must get out of your house and stop sheltering yourself.
  • You cannot make a mistake on a date with the right person for you.
  • Stop thinking that you need to lose weight.
  • Do not associate being “thin” with being “happy.”
  • You manufacture beauty within your mind. Do not let others tell you what is beautiful.
  • Nobody can listen to your thoughts. You must be verbose to receive understanding.
  • Self-pity is the bestiality of emotions. It absolutely disgusts people. You have to remember that all of us are dealing with our own demons, and that walking around announcing that you are incapable of dealing with them is not something people want to be reminded of, especially not when most are fighting through their issues on their own.
  • Take responsibility for everything; even if it is not your fault. Pointing fingers and laying blame will not resolve anything. Instead, YOU be the person to begin picking up the pieces and bringing resolution to the conflict.
  • Life will move forward without you if you are waiting for someone else to fix it.
  • Confidence is not the presence of anything; it is an absence of how much you care about what other people think. It is NOT a measurable substance that some people have and others do not.
  • *Trying* to feel confident won’t work. You just have to be confident. Stop “trying.”
  • behave like you regularly would and you will be confident.
  • Seeing the truth in things means look at everything for the first time, every time. Every person you meet, every situation that arises, you must look at all of these things objectively and without bias.
  • Try ending your life. Ending your life does not mean death; it means beginning anew. You can always just go, you can always leave and start fresh.
  • There is always some amount of dishonesty at the heart of happiness.
  • You cannot be a prisoner of your past against your will; you can only live in the past within your own mind.
  • “Heal” is a television word. Stop having the perspective that troubles will go away and your slate will be cleaned and start thinking of how you can overcome your issues and then subsequently learn from your experience.
  • Stop waiting for fairness. Again, nobody is owed anything.
  • You need no-one’s apology or permission to move on with your life.
  • Finally, to live with regret and to change nothing is to miss the point entirely. Life is about gratitude and humility. We cannot attain these things if we never suffered hardship.

Please, please, please read this book. These bullets I have made about points given to you within it are only a quarter of the wondrous experience you receive whilst actually reading the book. Augusten Burroughs has an amazing sense of humor and will brighten your life, even if you do not feel like you suffer from any of the issues he covers within his book (which I doubt sincerely, but if you truly don’t, go you!)

Regularly scheduled posts about exploring the universe will follow soon.

I hope this post has helped you in some way.

For an excellent coping blog, give this one a look.

Side note #1; A post between posts.


I don’t so much have a discussion to share with you today, (not a completely prepared one, anyhow) but I do want to talk about a certain mindset that I live by that may help some of you deal with anxiety, stress, or just making tough decisions. This mentality can be summed up in a phrase that I tell myself and will occasionally tell others: “Just jump off of it.”

To be clear, I do not (always) mean to literally jump off of something, what I mean is to spontaneously decide, when faced should I do this thing or not, to do it to the extent at which you cannot change your mind. Obviously, I am not promoting stupidity. Please be safe and don’t do drugs. I just mean that when faced with silly anxieties that will potentially keep you from meaningful life experiences, you just have to “jump off of it,” leave those anxieties behind you. I phrase it that way because a jump is not something you can change your mind about after you do it. You cannot jump off of a diving board and then, mid-air, decide that you’d actually rather stay on the ground where it’s dry.

Let me give you some examples of where I think this should be used to better help you understand, because I acknowledge that my description may not be sufficient alone.

  • asking that girl/guy out on a date. don’t hesitate. don’t think about “what ifs”, or “I shouldn’t.” Just do it. Jump off of it before you give yourself a chance to doubt. Start walking towards the person in question and get their attention. Open your mouth and let words come out before that little voice even realizes that you decided not to stop and ponder about if you should do this or not, because you know that you really want to.
  • getting a tattoo/piercing/similar body modification. once you know what you know, don’t let your doubts creep up on you, do it, whatever it is that you want, the moment that you want.
  • Physically jumping off of something. Skydiving, bungie jumping, whatever, this is the most literal example. Don’t let that little voice tell you not to have a worthwhile life experience because it’s not sure about this.

I am positive that you can think of other ways that this can apply to your life, to maybe some decisions you wish that you had made. Try thinking this way when those events happen. Don’t do anything stupid, but realize when you’re being irrational. Don’t worry. Relax. Just jump off of it.Image

The Planes of Existence



First of all, hello! I’d like to welcome you to this blog, however you may have found it, and express how happy I am to share my opinions and beliefs with you. I understand that we may not see eye to eye on many topics, but that is wonderful! That is what makes us diverse and colorful individuals. I do invite you to share your own opinions and/or beliefs in the comments below! (A one-sided discussion is only a lecture!)

What are the planes of existence? Chances are, you’ve heard of other realms or dimensions from fantasy or science fiction pieces. The interesting thing about these imaginings is that they can be proven about as well as they can be debunked, and they really act as thought provoking material. Who can say that such anomalies can not or do not exist?

To me, the idea of alternate planes of existence makes too much sense. It seems to fit in perfectly with my beliefs. Let me express a few of my own theories with you.

  1. There are three planes of existence; the corporeal, the ethereal, and the incorporeal.
  • Corporeal Plane– The plane within which we live. The physical; the known to us.
  • Ethereal Plane– The “other side.” The intangible, the spiritual, the ghost-like realm of existence.
  • Incorporeal Plane– What is in between the corporeal and the ethereal. Like having your feet on either side of a doorway.

2. Individuals who live within these differing planes are generally unaware of each other. We in the corporeal plane go about our lives without any concern for what those in the ethereal are doing, and vice versa.

3. There are doors or windows between our planes — either natural or created — that allow for interaction with individuals residing on the opposite plane.

An example of a window could be a specific area in which there are many “ghost” sightings; an area that you and someone on the ethereal plane may pass by simultaneously and catch a glimpse of each other. A door could be many things, and if there are natural ones we can have no way of knowing (How many missing persons could be attributed to such? More on this below), although I think they could be created as well. I don’t specifically mean “created” in the sense of opening a portal (though I am not saying it is impossible) but perhaps through death? Is it possible that death is a transit from the corporeal plane to the ethereal? Could this process be what we attribute the afterlife to be?

But what about the incorporeal? What is THAT?

I believe there are not only two planes, a physical and an intangible, but there is also a bridge between them. An existence that is both tangible and intangible. The evidence for this theory comes from anomalies attributed to entities like “poltergeists” or “demons,” entities that do not have shape or form, though are able to move objects, and interact with people. They exist on the incorporeal plane.

I do not believe that entities or individuals innately live within the incorporeal plane. I think of this plane as a kind of “limbo,” or some sort of “purgatory.” To exist there, I think one of two things has to happen. The subject in question had to either have purposefully transitioned themselves to this plane through having great understanding of the inter-planar byways (unlikely), or they have somehow managed to find one of the aforementioned doors between planes and have stumbled through.

I believe this for these reasons; when people are specifically harmed and targeted by paranormal attackers, I think that someone is being something of an inter-dimensional asshole. I would honestly rather believe that someone is using their knowledge of the planes for selfish reasons, like revenge, than believe that there are inhuman spirits that go around messing people’s days up because they like to. I refuse to accredit evil to anything other than mankind, and I think the attribution of evil to a demon or to a devil is nothing but a way to deny our own shortcomings and overall shitty treatment of each other and nature, historically. But what I think is MORE likely is that an individual has somehow been transported to a plane that is not their own and is lost, confused, and scared. Insanity may even grip these people, as their efforts to reach out and communicate with the people around them resort desperately to means of violence like scratches or violent banging on the walls. Think about what you would do if you were in such a situation.

If you have read my other article, The Universe and Its Many Facesyou may be wondering how these two theories connect, and if they connect. My answer to the latter is of course they do! Let me explain to you in one way that I think that they are connected; ghosts. I know I talked about ghost sightings earlier, and if you were reading this critically like I hope you were (/are), you might have thought “what about the specific ghost sightings of deceased people? of people who we know to have existed?”

spacetimeplanesTo that I say the fabrics of space and time know no bounds! In the linked article I talk about how there are several universes, alternate realities of what we consider our own. I also talk about how time is a human invention, and that all things are relative to distance. Ergo, it is entirely conceivable that you would witness a figure from both an alternate time/reality/universe as well as an alternate plane of existence. You could see people who have deceased, who have yet to live, and it’s also entirely possible that you could see yourself. The only reason why you may never do so is chance. You would have to both be 
passing these windows between planes simultaneously. 

What I hope to accomplish by informing you of all of this is either or both of two things;

  1. I hope this gives you some material to discuss and debate about
  2. I hope this offers some sort of challenge to your thinking; I do not want to convince you to believe what I do, I just know that challenges are healthy, and maybe you would appreciate the opportunity to learn about how others perceive existence. I hope it broadens your perspective/opens your mind a little to the vastness of creation.

I’d like to thank you for reading my article, and again I invite you to post comments below so that I may help to answer any questions you may have and so that we can both gain from having an enlightening discussion together. Next time, we’ll talk about the soul and reincarnation, what comes after life, and what it’s all about. Until then, stay safe, stay beautiful, and question everything!

I’ve been on a little hiatus…


My blogging did not get off to quite the kick start that I had in mind for it. A few things came up in my life and managed to keep me very busy. However! I will continue to post as frequently as I am able. About what, you might ask? Well I think that our next topic was supposed to be the planes of existence. I will get cracking on that ASAP. For a little taste, we’ll be talking about things that are accurately described by this picture. Cheers and blessings to all of you, you’re wonderful people and I hope you realize that.Image

The Universe and Its Many Faces


Let me begin by welcoming you to the blog. I hope that you found it easily and that you maybe gain a little something while you’re here. (:

Now, the Universe. If any of you are familiar with the idea of the “Multiverse,” I think that you’ll catch on quickly. For those who are not, the Multiverse is what is now being perceived to some as the nature of our existence and centers around the idea that there are many different parallel Universes. Why does it matter, do you ask?

Understanding what we have been given is paramount to having gratitude for what we’ve got, and you’ll catch on that I say this very often, but gratitude is the absolute highest positive emotion that one can feel. We can think endlessly about the things for which we are grateful in our day to day lives, but I don’t think we often-enough appreciate that our coming to existence really is the stuff of miracles. We lucked out. In the infinity of space, across the never ending span of Galaxies and Universes, we ended up on the one flying rock just close enough to (but far enough away from) our Sun to even be able to harbor living things, and then the odds for you (yes you specifically) to have even come into the world it was 100,000,000 to 1. It’s a very humbling thing to think about.

Gratitude aside, discovering that the Multiverse theory is in fact accurate could provide answers to many of our other big questions. Is time travel possible? Where did we come from/how did we come to be? If our planet were to become uninhabitable, could there be a place for us to go?

Imagine this; somewhere, far from here, right now, there is a parallel universe for every decision that you didn’t make in this one. What would have happened if you were to turn left and take the shortcut home at that four-way intersection after work today, instead of right? Would you have gotten home early to see something that you shouldn’t have (or something that you should have but wouldn’t usually)? Would you have met the love of your life by some stroke of luck that could not have been attained if you did not stray a little from your everyday route? Who knows? My point is, there exists a reality for each choice that you are presented with for every situation in which you are positioned to choose. In another reality, you did take that left turn, or maybe you did pick up skim milk instead of whole from the market today.

Big deal, right? Think about it. There are infinitely many other “you’s” out there. The theory of the Multiverse is based heavily on the idea that anything that is physically possible actually does occur in another parallel Universe. Alike to the “butterfly effect,” even so much as a thought running through your head could alter the course of…hell, the world. History as we will all come to know it.

*IMAGINE* the possibilities. Are these parallel realities in time with our own, or do they take place in a previous or future year? Since time is relative to distance in the great void of space, could it be perceivable that by travelling a distance of “X” to a neighboring Universe, we would be introduced to a different time period? Do other Universes even abide by the same laws of physics?

Furthermore, is it possible to visit these Universes?
I believe the answer to that is in two parts.

Firstly, yes, in theory if there did so exist an alternate universe, the only barrier between us and them is really no more complex than distance. If we can make something with the MPG, it’s completely conceivable that we could make contact. Eventually. Maybe.

Second, a question. Do we enter into a new universe every time we make a decision? Maybe not decisions so simple as trying out a milk with less fat, but who can say for sure? I have absolutely no doubt in the human potential to perform astronomical abilities like the suggested. Is making the decision to turn left instead of right creating two different existences like a cell splitting into two so that you may both turn left and right?

What really excites me is that scientists are not only agreeing with these theories, but that they are actively taking steps to prove them. Below I have included a 44-minute video in which you can learn more about this topic from a scientific perspective.

[The purpose of these posts is to leave you with a little food for thought. I would love to receive feedback in regards to our topics or discussions, and at the end of each post I will leave a hint to give you an idea what my next post will be about.]

Now, if you’re still with me, that’s awesome! If I’ve got you thinking about the possibility of a “Multiverse” in the realm of science, next time we’ll take it to another level entirely. What I’m talking about are the planes of existence, which are significantly less science-y and a little more on the metaphysical side. I hope to write to you about it soon, but ’til then be safe, be grateful, and be happy.


A little about me.


My name is Robert. I was born in 1994 and I am native to South Carolina, where I have lived my whole life. I have devoted a fair amount of my life to studying religion and philosophy from different cultures. I find it interesting to learn about the different ways that others face what is arguably the biggest question in life; “What’s next?”

From organized religions to the more obscure, I have learned what I could from many, and I continue to do so. I have learned great philosophical lessons and have discovered many quirks in the practices of others, and if nothing else the journey has made me very open minded to the ways of the various peoples around me. This venture has also instilled in me a wonder and appreciation for the diversity of our species.

My own personal belief system would most accurately be labeled as “Paganism.” What’s a pagan, you might ask? In many ways, it depends on who you are asking. The literal word pagan comes from the Latin word pagani which translates to simply “one who dwells in the countryside.” The word pagan is also (wrongfully) used as a synonym for “heathen,” which would define as any polytheistic worshiper.

In truth, paganism is a general term that covers an array of religions and spiritual practices associated with having an appreciation for nature and a respect for all things. Pagan fundamental beliefs predate all of monotheism.

I became the high priest of a group of fellow pagans, and have received ministerial certification. Typically, priesthood in many (not all) pagan group-oriented beliefs is akin to presidency; you are looked to for leadership, but the group is by all means a democracy, and you eventually give your leadership to someone else.

We are an often misrepresented group of individuals (and really, who isn’t?) because of such labels like “New Age” which whisks those practicing their religions in with those that obsess over teenage vampire romance novels. It is also difficult to respectfully represent ourselves when there is a lack of legitimate information of our history and an overabundance of bullshit. It’s a struggle, but I will further explain paganism in future articles.

I am a young liberal democrat with an interest in politics. I feel like I can do right in the world from a political influence, even if I never see the benefit of it in my time. I am a very caring person, as I have been through more than a fair share of turbulence in my life, and I often look to aid others with theirs in any way that I can. Being so, I am often the anointed therapist among my peers.

My hobbies include camping, hiking, exploring, writing, blogging (as of now), learning languages, watching scary movies, and spending as much time as possible with the people I hold the closest. I am also becoming a fan of “Spotify,” as to my girlfriend’s suggestion. My dog Sam is the best there is, he’s a 5 year old weimaraner with a very colorful personality. My #1 goal for my future is to be an amazing father. It’s very important to me to someday have my own family. To put it in perspective for you, my #2 goal for my future is to try to change the world for the better. Helping the planet comes second to being a dad.

I spend most of my time working, waiting tables full time to earn what I need, but I plan to fit in time to blog whenever I can. I really can’t wait to start really using this site and talking with more of you and sharing ideas. I can only hope that you all feel the same!

A Miraculous Insignificance — an Introduction.


You are here.

“I should start a blog,” I told myself as I awoke this morning.

I have long been looking for a means of expression and communication with the outside world about my thoughts, ideas, and theories about…well, everything. So here I am!

My blog will be dealing with the energies of the universe, the human mind and its untapped potentials, religions and philosophies, science and astrology, the credibility of time travel, the planes of existence, the key to meditation and finding happiness in your life.  For starters, anyway.

Let me go ahead and say that I don’t have all the answers.
But I have a ton of theories.
And even more questions.

I hope to provide curious readers with food for thought, a little insight for enlightenment. I know that some of my speculations and opinions may be hard for others to swallow, and I may step on a few toes, and for that I’m sorry, but please know that I am not here to say that any one way of thinking is correct or incorrect. I am here because I want to share with others what I have speculated about the world, about the universe, about everything.

I hope that you enjoy my blog as I post to it over time. I will try to blog regularly, at least a few times per week. For now, I only wanted to give an introduction to the blog to set the atmosphere. My first real topic will be in my next post, which I imagine will be coming later today or tomorrow.

I’ll leave you with this, though. It is incredible that you are alive. Your birth, your outliving every day dangers, the very breath that you draw, all of these things are incredible. You are an amazing thing to the world, a miracle.

The next time you look at the stars, think about that. Think about how miraculous it is that you are alive, and then think about how our entire planet is a dot that revolves around a spec of dust in what is essentially a sandbox of a universe. You may be tiny and insignificant as a person of the universe, but you’re also a miracle and you’re an amazing person of the world.